Develop an app like MakeMyTrip: Cost & Features
August 26, 2024

There was a time when travel agents were essential for planning trips, not just for businesses but for individuals as well. About a decade ago, before everyone had computers at home and basic mobile phones were considered a luxury, people relied heavily on travel agents. Back then, the internet wasn't an integral part of life, and smartphones weren't widely used. Isn’t that so?

Therefore, to plan a trip as well as your itinerary, you had to visit your local travel agent to help you with various options based on your destination, travel arrangements, and budget. It was only after discussing these details that you would finalize your plans. Wasn’t that too much of a hassle?

But then, platforms like the MakeMyTrip travel app came along and changed everything (Like, LITERALLY!). Initially, it focused on booking hotels, but soon it became a one-stop destination for all travel needs. This allowed people to plan, book, and manage their trips online, all from the comfort of their homes.

Surprisingly, the revenue of MakeMyTrip Limited in the fiscal year 2024 totaled approximately 782 million U.S. dollars within India.

Revenue of MakeMyTrip Limited from financial year 2015 to 2024
Revenue of MakeMyTrip Limited from financial year 2015 to 2024

Now, you might wonder how such incredible growth happened for a travelling app like MakeMyTrip. So, let’s take a quick look at the MakeMyTrip app’s growth journey.

What was the reason behind MakeMyTrip’s sudden growth?

Well, as the dependency on getting everything done with just a click increased, the inclination towards travel apps for booking tickets, planning itineraries, and more significantly rose. This, in turn, led to the growth of travel planning apps, out of which the one that garnered most of the attention turned out to be MakeMyTrip.

MakeMyTrip's revenue model is a mix of traditional and new approaches. Air ticket sales are a big part of it, making up 35% of the total revenue. Hotels and holiday packages are even bigger, contributing about 50%. The transport segment, led by Red Bus, adds another 10% and is growing at a fast pace of 35% annually. MakeMyTrip has also found new ways to earn by partnering with IRCTC for rail tickets and offering weekend trips, activities, and events.

Hence, all of these strategic moves really helped MakeMyTrip to soar higher and higher in the tourism and travel industry. Since we are now talking about the tourism and travel industry, you might have doubts regarding how mobile apps are playing a major role in driving MakeMyTrip’s success.

Easy steps for developing a travel planning app like MakeMyTrip

Creating a travel planning app like MakeMyTrip involves several key steps. So, here's a simplified guide to help you get started.

1. Market Research and Idea Validation

First, begin with thorough market research and idea validation. Identify your niche and determine the unique features that will set your app apart from competitors. Analyze existing travel apps to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and gather user feedback through surveys or focus groups to learn what potential users want in a travel app.

2. Define Key Features

Next, define the key features your app will need. Ensure it includes user profiles and authentication for secure account creation and login. Provide extensive search and filter options for flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages. Integrate a seamless booking system with various payment options, and offer real-time updates on flight status, hotel availability, and price changes. Enable users to read and leave reviews for hotels, flights, and attractions, and include an itinerary management feature to help users organize and manage their travel plans within the app.

3. Choose the Right Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial. For the front end, consider using React Native or Flutter for a cross-platform mobile app. For the backend, Node.js or Django can be effective choices. Use a robust database like MongoDB or PostgreSQL to handle user data and transactions, and integrate third-party APIs for flight, hotel, and car rental data from sources such as Amadeus, Skyscanner, or Google Places.

4. Design UI/UX

Designing the UI/UX is another important step. Focus on creating a user-friendly interface that is simple, intuitive, and visually appealing. Ensure the app works seamlessly on various devices and screen sizes with a responsive design. Incorporate elements that personalize the user experience, such as customized recommendations based on user preferences.

5. Development

During development, adopt an agile methodology to allow for flexibility and iterative improvements. Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to launch the basic version of your app and gather user feedback. Use this feedback to make necessary improvements and add advanced features over time.

6. Testing

Testing is essential to ensure your app's success. Perform functional testing to ensure all features work correctly across different devices and operating systems. Conduct usability testing to gather feedback from real users and identify any usability issues. Additionally, perform performance testing to ensure the app runs smoothly under various conditions.

7. Launch and Marketing

When you're ready to launch, optimize your app's title, description, and keywords to improve its visibility in app stores. Use digital marketing strategies, including social media, email marketing, and paid ads, to promote your app. Collaborate with travel bloggers, influencers, and other platforms to increase your app’s reach and attract a wider audience.

8. Gather Feedback and Update

Finally, continually gather feedback from users to understand their needs and pain points. Regularly update the app to fix bugs, improve performance, and add new features based on user suggestions.

By following these steps, you can develop a travel planning app that competes with established names like MakeMyTrip. Focus on creating a user-friendly, feature-rich app that meets the needs of modern travelers, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

How mobile apps are transforming the Travel and Tourism Industry?

The fact that travel planning apps have become popular can never be overlooked. According to research done by Statista, online sales of the tourism and travel market are projected to account for 75% of total revenue in the Travel & Tourism market by 2029. It’s such a huge figure, to be honest! Isn’t it? But, why is that so? Below are some of the reasons to help you out with all the required information you may need.

Hassle-free Travel Planning

Gone are the days when travelers had to rely on travel agencies or spend hours browsing through travel magazines and websites to plan their trips. Travelling apps have streamlined the entire process into a single platform. Now, travelers can search, compare, and book flights, and accommodations, and explore unique destinations- all from one app. These apps offer real-time information on the best deals, hotel room availability, and instant bookings. They also provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences and search history, making travel plans more customized and tailored to individual needs.

Smart Booking System

Travel app development has entirely changed the booking of travel-related services. With just a few taps on a smartphone, users can book flights, tickets to tourist attractions, and reserve hotels. The strategic integration with third-party payment gateways makes the booking process quick and hassle-free. Travelers no longer need to print physical tickets or worry about losing important travel documents since everything is conveniently stored on their mobile devices, accessible from anywhere at any time.

Real-time Assistance

A well-developed travel planner app provides travelers with real-time updates throughout their journey, including flight status, gate changes, baggage claim information, and weather forecasts. This keeps travelers informed and helps them make necessary decisions for a smooth travel experience. In addition to this, GPS-enabled apps like Google Maps guide travelers to their destinations, while translation tools help bridge communication gaps with locals. For solo travelers, these apps offer access to emergency helplines and essential services during distress or unforeseen situations.

How Mobile Apps Are Transforming the Travel and Tourism Industry

Efficient Marketing Tool

Mobile apps for travel planning are now considered one of the vital marketing tools in the travel and tourism industry. Businesses now increasingly use apps to reach their target audience, promoting exclusive deals and offers. Push notifications and targeted advertisements enable direct communication with potential customers, increasing brand visibility and engagement. Additionally, loyalty programs integrated into travel apps encourage repeat bookings, enhancing customer retention and reducing churn rates.

Social Engagement

Travel planning apps motivate travelers to share their experiences through reviews and recommendations. Platforms like TripAdvisor, MakeMyTrip, and Yelp allow users to rate and review accommodations, attractions, and restaurants, providing valuable insights for other travelers. Social media integration lets users share photos, write reviews, and discuss their trips, building a vibrant community of like-minded individuals and creating a network of valuable resources for future travel planning.

Digital Transactions

The introduction of mobile apps has simplified payments and transactions for travelers. Instead of carrying cash or cards, tourists can use payment apps like GPay and PhonePe for secure transactions. Many apps also offer wallet systems for storing money, making payments easier. Additionally, mobile payment apps often provide exclusive rewards and discounts, incentivizing this payment method and ensuring a hassle-free travel experience.

Personalized Experience

Mobile apps enhance the travel experience by collecting user data and preferences from cookies, browser history, and search history to offer personalized recommendations. Using technologies like social listening, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), these apps analyze user behavior to provide tailored suggestions based on predictive analysis. For instance, an app can recommend itineraries, tourist attractions, adventure sports, and dining options that align with a traveler’s interests based on their past searches and behavior.

Hope we cleared all your doubts surrounding the benefits of mobile apps in the tourism and travel industry. But, now the next question that arises is, how can we strategically build a travel app if we want to venture into the travel and tourism industry? So, let’s dig a little deeper into that as well.

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Key Features you need to include in travel app development

A travel application can offer numerous features, which may vary depending on the specific type of product. However, several essential features should be prioritized to create a functional and appealing travel app.

User Personal Area

A travel app serves as a personal tool for users, so it's crucial to implement a personal user account. This allows users to store their personal data, speeding up processes like rebooking and payment transfers, and viewing booking/travel history. Personalized recommendations based on user preferences and behavior can also enhance the user experience. For example, apps like Airbnb and Expedia offer personalized user areas where users can manage their bookings and receive tailored suggestions.

User Personal Area

Third-Party Data Aggregation

To provide users with comprehensive data, integrating third-party services through APIs is essential. This can include sections featuring car rental data, access to flight schedules, airfares, and other relevant information. Apps like Kayak and Skyscanner aggregate data from various sources to offer users a wide range of travel options.

Third-Party Data Aggregation

Search Function and Filters

If your app contains a large amount of content, a built-in search function with customizable filters is necessary. This helps users quickly find what they need without getting lost in the data. For instance, TripAdvisor and allow users to search for hotels, flights, and activities with numerous filter options for a tailored experience.

Navigation and Geolocation

Navigation and maps are critical features for any travel app. Implementing geolocation technology allows users to navigate conveniently while traveling. Interactive maps and location-based services can show nearby attractions or hotels. Google Maps and are excellent examples of apps providing robust navigation and geolocation services.

Navigation and Geolocation

Booking Function

A seamless booking function is essential, allowing users to book hotels, flights, or cars directly through the app at any time. The app can automatically pull personal data from user profiles to streamline the process. Apps like MakeMyTrip and excel in offering comprehensive booking functionalities.

Booking Function

Itinerary Planner

An itinerary planner feature lets users view their entire trip in one place, eliminating the need for multiple apps. This convenience can attract a wider audience. Apps like TripIt and Google Trips (now integrated into Google Travel) provide users with detailed trip itineraries.

Notifications of Important Events

Your app can notify users about critical events related to their trip, such as flight departures, hotel checkouts, or changes in schedules. Integration with social media platforms can also allow users to share their travel experiences. For example, apps like Yatra and TripAdvisor provide timely notifications to keep travelers informed.

Notifications of Important Events

User Feedback

Allowing users to share their experiences and read others' reviews enhances engagement and trust. Honest feedback and ratings are crucial for attracting users. Yelp and TripAdvisor owe much of their popularity to the extensive user-generated reviews and ratings.

User Feedback

Weather Forecast

Including weather forecasting can be particularly useful for travelers, especially those planning outdoor activities. This feature can be implemented using APIs like, AccuWeather, OpenWeatherMap, or YahooWeather. Apps like WeatherBug and AccuWeather offer detailed weather forecasts that are valuable for travel planning.

Weather Forecast

Personalized Recommendations

Based on users' activities, trips, or web views, your app can generate personalized recommendations, increasing customer retention and loyalty. This is particularly effective if the offers are relevant and beneficial. Netflix and Amazon are prime examples of platforms that use personalized recommendations to enhance user experience and engagement.

Personalized Recommendations

Offline Access

A good travel app should offer offline access to important travel information, such as maps and travel guides. This is crucial for travelers who may not always have access to cellular data or Wi-Fi. Apps like Google Maps and provide offline access to maps, enabling users to navigate cities without an internet connection.

Offline Access

Therefore, depending on your product's purpose, financial capabilities, and development strategy, you can implement all these functions or start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and expand its capabilities over time. By focusing on these key features, you can develop a travel app that meets the needs of modern travelers and stands out in the competitive travel industry.

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How much does it cost to build a travel booking app like MakeMyTrip?

Developing a travel booking app like MakeMyTrip involves numerous factors that influence the overall cost. The final cost can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the app, the features included, the technology stack used, and the geographic location of the development team. Here's a detailed breakdown of the factors and their associated costs.

1. App Complexity and Features

The complexity and number of features play a significant role in determining the cost. A basic app with essential features like user accounts, search and filters, booking functions, and payment gateways will cost less compared to an advanced app with additional features such as personalized recommendations, offline access, and integrations with third-party services.

2. Platform

The cost varies depending on whether you want to develop the app for a single platform (iOS or Android) or both. Developing for both platforms will almost double the cost as it requires separate codebases and testing processes.

3. Design

The design cost includes the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. A well-designed app that offers a seamless and engaging experience will require more investment in terms of hiring skilled designers and conducting user testing.

4. Backend Development

Backend development involves setting up servers, databases, and APIs to handle data storage, user authentication, bookings, and other functionalities. This part of the development process can be complex and time-consuming, affecting the overall cost.

5. Third-Party Integrations

Integrating third-party services such as payment gateways, flight and hotel APIs, maps, and social media can add to the cost. These integrations are essential for providing real-time data and a seamless user experience.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing is crucial to ensure the app is free of bugs and offers a smooth user experience. This involves functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and compatibility testing across various devices and operating systems.

7. Maintenance and Updates

After the app is launched, ongoing maintenance and updates are necessary to fix bugs, improve performance, and add new features. These costs should be considered as part of the total development cost.

Estimated Cost Breakdown

Here's a comparison chart of the estimated costs involved in building a travel booking app like MakeMyTrip.

Feature/Service Basic App (USD) Advanced App (USD) Complex App (USD)
App Complexity and Features $20,000 - $30,000 $30,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,0000
Design (UI/UX) $5,000 - $10,000 $10,000 - $20,000 $20,000 - $40,000
Backend Development $20,000 - $30,000 $30,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000
Third-Party Integrations $10,000 - $15,000 $15,000 - $30,000 $30,000 - $50,000
Testing and Quality Assurance $5,000 - $7,000 $7,000 - $15,000 $15,000 - $30,000
Maintenance and Updatese $5,000 (per year) $7,000 - $10,000 (per year) $10,000 - $15,000 (per year)
Total Estimated Cost $95,000 - $137,000 $139,000 - $275,000 $275,000 - $535,000

By selecting the appropriate level of complexity based on your business goals and budget, you can effectively plan and budget for the development of a travel booking app that meets market demands and user expectations.

How can you leverage AI while considering travel app development?

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into travel app development brings a host of benefits that enhance both user experience and operational efficiency. Here's how AI can be effectively used.

Personalized Recommendations

AI algorithms can analyze user preferences, past bookings, and browsing behavior to provide personalized travel recommendations. This includes suggesting destinations, accommodations, activities, and restaurants tailored to individual preferences, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Integrating AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants in travel apps can automate customer service tasks. These bots can handle inquiries, booking confirmations, itinerary updates, and even provide real-time support during travel. This improves efficiency, reduces response times, and enhances customer support accessibility.

Predictive Analytics

AI enables predictive analytics that forecast travel trends, pricing fluctuations, and demand patterns. This data-driven approach helps in optimizing inventory management, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns. Travel companies can use predictive analytics to offer competitive pricing, optimize resource allocation, and maximize revenue.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP capabilities allow travel apps to understand and process natural language queries. Users can interact with the app using voice commands or text inputs, making search and booking processes more intuitive and user-friendly. This technology also facilitates multilingual support, catering to a global audience.

How can you leverage AI while considering travel app development

Image Recognition

AI-powered image recognition technology can enhance user experiences by enabling visual search capabilities. Travelers can upload or take photos of landmarks, attractions, or even menu items, and the app can provide relevant information, recommendations, or booking options based on the image analysis.

Dynamic Pricing

AI algorithms can analyze market conditions, user behavior, and competitor pricing to implement dynamic pricing strategies. This ensures that travel companies can adjust prices in real-time, offering personalized deals and promotions to maximize bookings and revenue.

Enhanced Security

AI plays a crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity within travel apps. Machine learning algorithms can detect and prevent fraudulent activities, protect user data, and ensure secure transactions. This instills trust among users and mitigates risks associated with online transactions and data breaches.

Smart Itinerary Planning

AI algorithms can generate optimized travel itineraries based on user preferences, travel constraints, and real-time data such as weather forecasts and local events. This feature helps travelers make informed decisions and maximize their travel experiences.Integrating AI technologies into travel app development not only improves operational efficiency and enhances user experience but also enables travel companies to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.

How can Antino help you with developing a tourism app like MakeMyTrip?

At Antino, we understand the complexities involved in developing a robust tourism app like MakeMyTrip. Our team is dedicated to creating a seamless and intuitive user experience that covers every aspect of travel planning. From booking flights and hotels to organizing local transportation and activities, we make sure your app is equipped with all the essential features. Using advanced technologies and frameworks, we build scalable and secure platforms that can handle high traffic and provide smooth, uninterrupted service to your users.

In addition to this, we also prioritize personalization by incorporating AI and machine learning to offer tailored recommendations and deals that enhance user engagement and satisfaction. Our goal is to make your app not just functional but exceptional. With real-time updates, secure payment options, and multi-lingual support, we ensure your app is accessible and reliable for users around the globe. 

So, if you’re looking to grow your travel and tourism business, then get in touch with our experts right away!

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Vartika Mangal
(AVP- Technology, Antino)
With over 5 years of expertise in Flutter App Development, Vartika has been instrumental in leading a team of over twenty professionals. Her proficiency encompasses Dart, Flutter, Firebase, Android native, JavaScript, Node.js, and SQL servers