Digital Transformation Solutions for Street Lights Installation in Government Project

Owing to the extensive scope and critical importance of this government project, Antino played a crucial role in supporting the initiative by developing a comprehensive digital solution. The project addressed key challenges such as mobile app development for device installation, real-time street light monitoring, and efficient administrative management.

Social Media app development company

Government Street Light Project

This government project aims to provide daily commuters with a safe and secure pathway by lighting up dark roads. By strategically placing highly effective street lights, the project is committed to ensuring the safety of commuters and their surroundings.

Antino played a crucial role in revolutionizing the street light installation process for this government project. By leveraging our expertise in mobile app development and system integration, we delivered solutions that streamlined installation, real-time monitoring, and administrative management. Our comprehensive approach ensured that each aspect of the project was addressed with precision and efficiency, enhancing the overall impact and effectiveness of the street light initiative.

Antino’s Partnership with the Government




Custom Software Development

Business Type


Technologies Used


Bootstrap CSS framework


MongoDB & AWS

The Challenges

System Upgradation for Request Processing

The growing volume of requests necessitated upgrading the system to efficiently process and respond to user queries. This involved implementing scalable solutions and conducting thorough testing to ensure that the upgraded system could handle the increased demand without compromising performance or stability.

Concurrent Requests and Increased Server Load

As the app gained a user base, the number of concurrent requests sent to the server increased significantly. This led to a strain on server resources and a decline in performance. Addressing this issue required implementing optimization techniques and load-balancing measures to effectively manage the increased server load.

Handling Third-Party Vendors

Coordinating with various third-party vendors involved in the project presented communication and integration challenges. Managing multiple vendors simultaneously required robust strategies to ensure smooth collaboration and minimize disruptions to the development process.

Real-time Status of Lights

Ensuring that the app provided accurate updates on the status of street lights in real-time was more complex than anticipated. It required developing sophisticated synchronization mechanisms to ensure that the information displayed was always up-to-date and reliable.

The Solutions

Introduced Synchronization Mechanisms

To overcome the challenge of providing real-time updates on street light statuses, we implemented robust synchronization mechanisms. This involved optimizing data retrieval processes and enhancing communication protocols between the app and the server to ensure timely and accurate status updates.

Implemented Vendor Management Strategies

We developed comprehensive vendor management strategies to streamline communication and integration processes. This included establishing clear channels of communication, defining roles and responsibilities, and implementing standardized protocols for interacting with third-party vendors to enhance collaboration and minimize disruptions.

Optimized Concurrent Requests and Decreased Server Load

We utilized AWS services such as SQS (Simple Queue Service), Redis, and AWS Lambda functions to enhance scalability. These services allowed us to distribute processing tasks away from the main server, thus reducing its workload and improving overall performance. Additionally, we optimized our codebase through refactoring, simplifying processes, and minimizing delays. These efforts led to a significant improvement, with response times reduced to approximately 4 hours, ensuring smooth operation even during periods of high demand.

System Upgradation for Request Processing

In response to the growing volume of requests, we undertook significant upgrades to bolster the system's capacity. We increased CPU power and memory allocation to the server to enhance its processing capabilities and improve overall performance. Additionally, we expanded the database capacity to accommodate the influx of data more efficiently. These upgrades allowed the system to handle a larger workload without compromising on speed or stability, ensuring seamless operation even during periods of peak demand.

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